%1!.1023s!: warning P1705: Cannot create foreign key constraint '%2!.1023s!' on table '%3!.1023s!' in the target DBMS. Parent columns need to be in the primary key list in the parent table '%4!.1023s!'.
s!: error P2403: '%2!.1023s!' : Collection type cannot be based on another collection type or object type which contains ...
s!: warning P1702: '%2!.1023s!' : Please back up this table before proceeding. It contains columns with the 'LONG' data type. ...
s!: warning P1703: '%2!.1023s!.%3!.1023s!' : The datatype for the column was changed from '%4!.1023s!' to '%5!.1023s!'. The ...
s!: warning P1704: '%2!.1023s!' : You will not be able add a primary key or unique index on a newly added column if the table ...
s!: warning P1705: Cannot create foreign key constraint '%2!.1023s!' on table '%3!.1023s!' in the target DBMS. Parent columns ...
s!: warning P1706: '%2!.1023s!' : Identifier name contains special character(s). It will be replaced with character '_' during ...
s!: warning P1707: '%2!.1023s!' : The target DBMS does not support check clauses in SQL statements. The check clause will ...
s!: warning P1708: '%2!.1023s!' : View is not supported by the target DBMS using SQL construct. The view will be created ...
s!: warning P1709: '%2!.1023s!.%3!.1023s!' : The target DBMS does not support the creation of unique constraint. A unique ...