Users connected to a shared folder or file are disconnected when you close the folder or file and may lose data. When possible, notify users before closing and disconnecting them. Do you want to continue?
UserID is the value used by the SecurityService to represent identity. For an authentication service, the UserID may be the ...
UserKeyAndCertFile - Data file containing user private keys and certificates to be archived. This can be any of the following: ...
username% will no longer be able to log on, and all of %username%'s settings will be deleted. However, %username%'s files ...
Users can connect to network resources in a computer group through TS Gateway. Specify the computer group by doing one of ...
Users connected to a shared folder or file are disconnected when you close the folder or file and may lose data. When possible, ...
Users in the local domain can be authenticated to use all of the resources in the specified domain or only those resources ...
Users in the local forest can be authenticated to use all of the resources in the specified forest or only those resources ...
Users in the specified domain can be authenticated to use all of the resources in the local domain or only those resources ...
Users in the specified forest can be authenticated to use all of the resources in the local forest or only those resources ...