Changing the default language of the term store can take several minutes, can potentially produce many more labels and can affect the way metadata is displayed on documents and lists
Changing the column to the selected datatype will delete its indexes and all relationships it participates in. Do you want ...
Changing the column to the selected datatype will delete its indexes. Do you want to change the datatype and delete the indexes? ...
Changing the column to the selected datatype will delete relationships with the following tables: . Do you want to change ...
Changing the current hyperlink is not allowed because the current hyperlink was discovered by the Web Site Map template. ...
Changing the default language of the term store can take several minutes, can potentially produce many more labels and can ...
Changing the default language will affect the active form and all new forms. The current default language is %1. Are you ...
Changing the default language will affect the active form and all new forms. The current default language is %1. Do you want ...
Changing the default language will affect the active form and all new forms. There is no current default language specified. ...
Changing the default language will affect the active presentation and all future presentations. Do you want to change the ...