Run Visual Studio as administrator, make sure the Excel add-in named Load Test Report is installed and enabled, and try this operation again.
RoutedEvent/EventPrivateKey limit exceeded. Routed events or EventPrivateKey for CLR events are typically static class members ...
Rplace with an integer that specifies a built-in control. If the value of this argument is 1, or if this argument is omitted, ...
Rule set to be used for the analysis. It can be a file path to the rule set file or the file name of a built-in rule set. ...
Run the remote debugger (msvsmon.exe) on the computer that you want to debug to. See the setup help for more information. ...
Run Visual Studio as administrator, make sure the Excel add-in named Load Test Report is installed and enabled, and try this ...
Running a compare operation in the background. Once the operation has completed, the results will be displayed in the compare ...
Running a website under profiling or code coverage requires that the controller be running under session 0 or run with administrative ...
Running multiple instances of the remote debugger - How do multiple users run the remote debugger on the same shared computer? ...
Running Test Impact, Code Coverage or IntelliTrace diagnostic data adapters affects performance. It is recommended that these ...