Shows whether the email address is approved for each mailbox for processing email through server-side synchronization or the Email Router.
Shows whether the appointment is open, completed, or canceled. Completed and canceled appointments are read-only and can't ...
Shows whether the article is a draft or is published, archived, or discarded. Draft articles aren't available externally ...
Shows whether the connection is active or inactive. Inactive connections are read-only and can't be edited unless they are ...
Shows whether the contact is active or inactive. Inactive contacts are read-only and can't be edited unless they are reactivated. ...
Shows whether the email address is approved for each mailbox for processing email through server-side synchronization or ...
Shows whether the fax activity is open, completed, or canceled. Completed and canceled fax activities are read-only and can't ...
Shows whether the knowledge base article is in draft, unapproved, or published status. Published articles are read-only and ...
Shows whether the letter is open, completed, or canceled. Completed and canceled letters are read-only and can't be edited. ...
Shows whether the phone call is open, completed, or canceled. Completed and canceled phone calls are read-only and can't ...