LSN %1!s!, specified as the new low end point for the change table associated with capture instance '%2!s!', is not within the Change Data Capture timeline [%3!s!, %4!s!].
Looks for user-defined databases that have a collation different from the master or model databases. It is recommended that ...
Lookup does not reference all cache connection manager index columns. Number of joined columns in lookup: %1!d!. Number of ...
LOOKUPCUBE=1= Cube Name , Numeric Expression =Returns the value of an MDX expression evaluated over another specified cube ...
LSN %1!s!, specified as the new low end point for change table cleanup must represent the start_lsn value of a current entry ...
LSN %1!s!, specified as the new low end point for the change table associated with capture instance '%2!s!', is not within ...
L[ogger classid_or_progid;config_string Optional. Associates a logger with the execution of a SSIS package. The following ...
Maintenance Plan '{0}' contains multiple subplans. You can execute them individually by selecting their associated jobs under ...
Make predictions by mapping an external data source to an existing mining model and specifying which columns in external ...
Management Studio could not delete the record of the subscription at the Publisher. Do you want to delete this subscription ...