The video decoder has either malfunctioned or is not installed. Please try restarting Windows Media Center or the computer.
The version store for this instance (%4) has reached its maximum size of %5Mb. It is likely that a long-running transaction ...
The VersionIndependentProgId property contains a program identifier that is consistent for all versions of the same program. ...
The VerticalResolution property indicates the current number of pixels in the vertical direction (Y axis) of the display. ...
The video adapter supports hardware 3D rendering, but it has been disabled. A software renderer will be used instead. This ...
The video decoder has either malfunctioned or is not installed. Please try restarting Windows Media Center or the computer. ...
The video decoder is currently in use by another application. Please close all other applications, restart Windows Media ...
The video device is currently in use. Close any other program that is using the device and try again. If you need to start ...
The video device is not sending video or audio information to your computer. Verify that the device is connected properly ...
The video hardware does not have enough available memory to continue. Please restart the computer and try again. If the problem ...