'|' did not respond. Either the server does not exist, (!idspnAccessServices_Long) are not enabled on the server, or the server is using an incompatible version of (!idspnAccessServices_Long).
Design changes are not supported for Data Access Pages. @To change the design of a Data Access Page, use Microsoft Access ...
Destination synchronizer is not configured to support indirect synchronronization, and the destination replica is unavailable ...
detects some HTML elements between the banner and the section of your data access page. Saving this page in Access will corrupt ...
did not detect a relationship between the fields you have chosen. @Do you want a relationship to be created for you now?@19@3 ...
did not respond. Either the server does not exist, (!idspnAccessServices_Long) are not enabled on the server, or the server ...
didn't apply the filter.@|9 may not be able to apply the filter if you entered an invalid data type in one of the fields.Do ...
didn't build the filter.@There is an error in the current field. Do you want to close the filter anyway?@If you click Yes, ...
Disabling all connectivity will prevent external programs or reports from accessing the app and may cause other applications ...
Displays a message box containing a warning or informational message. A common use is a message that appears when a validation ...