Both MatchContribution and hierarchy information cannot be specified at the same time. This is not allowed because these properties are both weighing factors for scoring.
BlobId, BlobReference and BlobLocator can only be constructed after a blob is written completely. A blob stream must be written ...
Both @subscriber and @subscriberdb must be specified with non-null values simultaneously, or both must be left unspecified. ...
Both a Server Group and a Registered Server exist with the name '{0}'. Use the -Type parameter to specify either "directory" ...
Both inputs of the transformation must contain at least one sorted column, and those columns must have matching metadata. ...
Both MatchContribution and hierarchy information cannot be specified at the same time. This is not allowed because these ...
Both the '%{cubedimension2/}' and '%{cubedimension1/}' cube dimensions of the '%{cube/}' cube have a hierarchy named '%{cubehierarchy/}'. ...
BOTTOMCOUNT=3= , , =The BottomCount function returns the last n-item rows of the table expression, ordered in ascending order ...
BOTTOMPERCENT=3= , , =The BottomPercent function returns the smallest number of rows in increasing order such that the sum ...
BOTTOMPERCENT=3= Set , Percentage , Numeric Expression =Sorts a set and returns the specified number of bottommost elements ...