You can't use both the AddParameters and RemoveParameters parameters at the same time. Remove one parameter, and try again.
You can't set the LinkedReceiveConnector parameter if any one of the following conditions is true: the AddressSpaces attribute ...
You can't set the UseDowngradedExchangeServerAuth parameter to $false if any Receive connector on the transport server has ...
You can't share calendars from sharing invitations in your personal archive. Please move the sharing invitation to your mailbox ...
You can't specify a value for the SourceTransportServers parameter for Send connectors configured on Edge Transport servers. ...
You can't use both the AddParameters and RemoveParameters parameters at the same time. Remove one parameter, and try again. ...
You can't use Outlook Web App to respond to meeting requests in other mailboxes when you're only viewing individual folders ...
You can't use this command to configure a Hub Transport server from an Edge Transport server. You must perform this operation ...
You can't use this command to configure an Edge Transport server on a machine that is on your internal network. You must ...
You cannot add any more servers to database availability group '{0}'. It already contains the maximum number of servers ({1}). ...