An older file named "^0" already exists in the shared files folder on the server. Do you want to replace it with the newer one you are adding?
An newer file named "^0" already exists in the shared files folder on the server. Do you want to replace it with the older ...
An Office 2008 file that is embedded in another file cannot be edited in earlier versions of Office. For more information ...
An Office program is being used by ^1. Your installation exceeds the number of installations permitted by the license agreement. ...
An older file named "^0" already exists in the project files on your computer. Do you want to replace it with the newer one ...
An older file named "^0" already exists in the shared files folder on the server. Do you want to replace it with the newer ...
An older file named "^0" already exists in the shared files folder on the server. Do you want to replace it with the newer ...
An older version of the Microsoft Database Daemon is running. To open Entourage, first delete the daemon from the Startup ...
An XML error has occurred. Please correct the problem and try again. Click the Details button for a more specific description ...
Animation Preview (Slide Show menu) Runs all the animation effects for the current slide in a slide-miniature window so you ...