You need administrator privileges to complete this task. Close Task Manager, then run it as an administrator and try again.
You must turn on the TPM to use BitLocker. This computer requires you to turn on the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) manually. ...
You need a demo Microsoft account to enable demo experiences like the Store. Click 'Finish' to automatically create a Microsoft ...
You need a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 to install and use apps from the Windows Store (this includes apps that ...
You need a WIA driver to use this device. Please install it from the installation CD or manufacturer's website and try again. ...
You need administrator privileges to complete this task. Close Task Manager, then run it as an administrator and try again. ...
You need an enrollment agent certificate in order to sign a certificate request on behalf of other users. Click Browse to ...
You need at least %2 GB of free space on drive %1 for the installation. Try moving some larger files like photos, music, ...
You need permission to answer the incoming call as a fax call. Log on as an administrator, or obtain permission from an administrator. ...
You need permission to disconnect the call or cancel a fax. Log on as an administrator, or obtain permission from an administrator. ...