The destination identifier's "%1" qualifier is too long for the output header. Please update the port with a shorter qualifier.
The default Web access mode for this project is set to FrontPage, but the project folder at '%1' cannot be opened with FrontPage. ...
The defaultAnonymous catalogset ('{0}') as specified in the CommerceServer\catalog\catalogSets section of web.config does ...
The defaultAuthenticated catalogset ('{0}') as specified in the CommerceServer\catalog\catalogSets section of web.config ...
The deployed schema is attempting to promote a message element into the property "{0}" (msgType="{1}"). This property is ...
The destination identifier's "%1" qualifier is too long for the output header. Please update the port with a shorter qualifier. ...
The destination identifier's "%1" value is too long for the output header. Please update the port with a shorter identifier. ...
The destination node "{0}" has {1} logical functoid input(s). The maximum number of possible logical functoid inputs to this ...
The destination node "{0}" is linked to by two source nodes ("{1}" and "{2}") that are from different but conflicting Equivalent ...
The destination queue depth of all messagebox databases exceeds the threshold. If the host publishes to multiple queues, ...