Specifies the number of returned rows using the TOP clause for the Select command. Specifying a value of 0 returns all rows.
Specifies the number of instances of the leftmost outer group to appear to the left of the data region. This property is ...
Specifies the number of members in the attribute. This number is either the amount last counted by Analysis Services, or ...
Specifies the number of possible downstream execution graphs. Set to a value greater than 1 to enhance performance by executing ...
Specifies the number of returned rows using the TOP clause for the Edit command. Specifying a value of 0 returns all rows. ...
Specifies the number of returned rows using the TOP clause for the Select command. Specifying a value of 0 returns all rows. ...
Specifies the number of rows in a batch. Each batch is copied to the server as one transaction. SQL Server commits or rolls ...
Specifies the originator id to be used for this peer. The specified id should be unique across all the nodes in the topology. ...
Specifies the percentage of cases within the training data used to calculate the holdout error for this algorithm. HOLDOUT_PERCENTAGE ...
Specifies the percentage of training cases used to calculate the holdout error, which is used as part of the stopping criteria ...