The name of the following file, which is part of the form template, contains non-ASCII characters, the number sign (#), or the percent sign (%%), none of which is allowed: %1!s!
The merge settings of the parent group prevent this group from being merged directly with other groups of this type. To change ...
The Merge using custom code feature is not supported in browser-enabled form templates. To publish the browser-compatible ...
The Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 is not installed on your computer or the InfoPath primary interop assembly (PIA) is not ...
The multi-select list box control is not supported in InfoPath 2003. When the form is filled out in InfoPath 2003, multi-select ...
The name of the following file, which is part of the form template, contains non-ASCII characters, the number sign (#), or ...
The number of columns in the master table must be between 1 and 63. The number of fields in the detail section must be between ...
The operation for the Web service requires values for the parameters listed below. The current values match the sample values ...
The operation requested in the Soap message with soapAction %1 isn't defined in the WSDL file. This may be because it is ...
The operation that you selected uses a DataSet object. InfoPath will track changes to the data and can include that information ...