The RetailSalesPurchTableMap is used to provide a common interface for the RetailSalesTable and RetailSalesQuotationTable tables.
The RetailPubCatalogProductRelation table contains information about the relations defined between the published products ...
The RetailPubCatalogProductRelationExclusion table contains information about the relations defined between the published ...
The RetailPubIntOrgInheritanceExploded table contains the published organization hierarchy for product attribute inheritance. ...
The RetailSalesAffiliationMap is used to provide a common interface for the RetailSalesAffiliation and RetalSalesQuotationAffiliation ...
The RetailSalesPurchTableMap is used to provide a common interface for the RetailSalesTable and RetailSalesQuotationTable ...
The RetailSalesQuotesDiscountLineMap is used to provide a common interface for the RetailSalesDiscountLine and RetalSalesQuotationDiscountLine ...
The RetailSalesTaxOverride table contains code, description. source and destination tax group details and override details. ...
The RetailStatementLine contains statement Id, code, transaction amount details, safe amount details, bank amount details. ...
The RetailTempGroup table holds the temperature group ids, mean temperature, negative and positive tolerance information. ...