Instances of the CliAlias class represent aliases. These are used by the WMI command utility as a mechanism for restructuring ...

Instances of the CliAlias class represent aliases. These are used by the WMI command utility as a mechanism for restructuring the capabilities provided by the WMI schema. The restructuring is done by roles. The roles are represented by namespaces. CliAlias instances are organized into role oriented namespaces in such a way that the aliases required by a specific operational role will all be found together. For example all the printer management aliases will be found in the \\\\.\
oot\\ops\\printer namespace. Each alias consists of a list of Formats and verbs. The formats provide various display strategies for the Alias (for example FULL or BRIEF). The verbs represent behavior that is available through the Alias (for example RESET in the context of a printer). Each format consists of a list of properties. The Alias itself is related to the schema through the Target property that contains a WQL query or a valid path (which may be just a class name) that defines the instance or set of instances the alias applies to.