The specified path for database location is either not an absolute valid path or the drive specified is invalid. The path must be an absolute path (eg. D:\Database\WSRM) and the drive specified cannot be a RAM drive, CD-ROM drive or a network drive. Specify another path.
The specified password is not a strong password. As a security best practice, you should specify a strong password that contains ...
The specified password is not a strong password. Specify a strong password that contains a combination of numbers, symbols, ...
The specified path '[2]' is unavailable. The Internet Information Server might not be running or the path exists and is redirected ...
The specified path cannot be created because access was denied. Verify that you are logged on by using an account that has ...
The specified path for database location is either not an absolute valid path or the drive specified is invalid. The path ...
The specified path for the installation root is not valid. You must specify a full path (including drive letters) that is ...
The specified path is not valid or you do not have permission to access the directory. Ensure that the path has been typed ...
The specified path is not valid. A directory name in the specified path contains a colon (:) character. Specify a valid path, ...
The specified path or the path of a subfolder that this command tried to create exceeds the system-defined maximum length ...