The estimate can't be marked as active because the information about your entitlement could not be retrieved. Please contact your local Microsoft Dynamics representative for further assistance.
The EPDocumentTypes_BR table is used to setup types of invoice documents according to legal documents recognized in Brazilian ...
The EPInstructions_BR table stores codes of instruction that are followed by the bank when receiving the payment information. ...
The EPPaymentWayTable_BR is used to setup codes to indicate the way of payment like payment order to be used when Bank processes ...
The error occurred when the program tried to calculate:\Acc. Sched. Line: Row No. = %1, Line No. = %2, Totaling = %3\Acc. ...
The estimate can't be marked as active because the information about your entitlement could not be retrieved. Please contact ...
The estimate could not be marked active because it was created with an obsolete usage profile. Please download the latest ...
The Evaluation of field must be completed if the person answering the questionnaire is different than the person making the ...
The event handler method %1 in class %2 must run on the same tier that it is called from. Reconsider the RunOn property value. ...
The EventHandler "%0" contains a 'ref' parameter of a .NET type. Reference parameters are not allowed in the event signature. ...