Either the %{typename/} with the ID of '%{id/}' does not exist in the %{parenttypename/} with the ID of '%{parentid/}', or the user does not have permissions to access the object.
Either an incorrect number of filter values or mismatched filter values were encountered while building the ROLAP condition. ...
Either an object with unique name '%{uniquename/}' does not exist, or the user does not have permissions to access the object. ...
Either an OLAP mining model corresponding to the '%{miningmodelid/}' source mining model ID of the '%{dimension/}' data mining ...
Either disable the attribute hierarchy or set the AttributeHierarchyOptimizedState property to NotOptimized for non-key attributes ...
Either the %{typename/} with the ID of '%{id/}' does not exist in the %{parenttypename/} with the ID of '%{parentid/}', or ...
Either the '%{strUser/}' user does not have permission to access the '%{strObject/}' object, or the object does not exist. ...
Either the '%{strUser/}' user does not have permission to access the data source of the mining structure '%{strStructure/}', ...
Either the '%{strUser/}' user does not have permission to alter the '%{strObject/}' object, or the object does not exist. ...
Either the '%{strUser/}' user does not have permission to back up the '%{strObject/}' database, or the database does not ...