Error encountered during Upgrade: Failed to uninstall %1. HRESULT: %2!x!. %1 Databases have been upgraded. %1 Uninstall has been rolled back. You have the following options: Restore the databases manually from backup to revert back to your original %1 configuration. OR Re run %3 Setup to retry the upgrade process. If you do this, database upgrade will not happen again since the databases are already upgraded.
Error encountered during serialization. The Edifact transaction set with id '{0}' contained in interchange (without group) ...
Error encountered during serialization. The X12 functional group with id '{0}', in interchange with id '{1}', with sender ...
Error encountered during serialization. The X12 interchange with id '{0}', with sender id '{1}', receiver id '{2}' had the ...
Error encountered during serialization. The X12 transaction set with id '{0}' contained in functional group with id '{1}', ...
Error encountered during Upgrade: Failed to uninstall %1. HRESULT: %2!x!. %1 Databases have been upgraded. %1 Uninstall has ...
Error encountered while querying virtual server state for URL: %1. Make sure the site is extended by Windows SharePoint Services. ...
Error encountered while upgrading Database: %1 on SQL Server: %2. Following databases have been modified: %3 You must manually ...
Error encountered with setting Accounting Token. The Acounting Token must be a hexadecimal representation of binary data ...
Error encountered with setting Correlation ID. The Correlation ID must be a hexadecimal representation of binary data of ...