This library contains items that have been modified or deleted but must remain available due to eDiscovery holds. Items cannot be modified or removed.
This job imports Help collections from CAB files into the farm-wide product Help library. This library is stored in the Central ...
This job performs background processing for information policies, such as calculating updated expiration dates for items ...
This job performs bulk actions on a set of search results, such as adding all items in an eDiscovery query to a specified ...
This label's structure will be built based on the source hierarchy during Hierarchy Creation. Select the portion of the source ...
This library contains items that have been modified or deleted but must remain available due to eDiscovery holds. Items cannot ...
This library contains reports about each hold in this site. Each report contains information like the items that are on a ...
This library does not accept files of the given type. You must either upload a new, unprotected file that supports rights ...
This library does not contain any columns whose default values can be changed. To create a new column, go to the the Library ...
This library inherits permissions from its parent Web site. To manage permissions directly, click Edit Permissions from the ...