User "%1" with mailbox "%2" can't synchronize their mobile phone to their mailbox because the user has a mailbox on a Mailbox server that's running Exchange 2003 or an earlier version. Exchange ActiveSync is configured to block synchronization for mobile phone users who have mailboxes on versions of Exchange earlier than Exchange Server 2010. If you want users who have mailboxes on Mailbox servers that are running Exchange 2003 or earlier to use Exchange ActiveSync, you can modify the web.config file for the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory in IIS Manager by setting the value of BlockLegacyMailboxes to false.
User "%1" is locked out of their mailbox because they have entered an incorrect PIN %2 consecutive times. The PIN must be ...
User "%1" is locked out of their mailbox because they have entered an incorrect PIN %2 consecutive times. The PIN must be ...
User "%1" was disconnected by the Unified Messaging server because the user failed to sign in %2 consecutive times. The user ...
User "%1" was disconnected by the Unified Messaging server because the user failed to sign in %2 consecutive times. The user ...
User "%1" with mailbox "%2" can't synchronize their mobile phone to their mailbox because the user has a mailbox on a Mailbox ...
User "%1" with mailbox "%2" can't synchronize their mobile phone to their mailbox because the user has a mailbox on a Mailbox ...
User "{0}" is assigned the "{1}" management role indirectly. Use "Set-Mailbox -MailboxPlan" to remove the user "{0}" from ...
User %1 couldn't be redirected to an Exchange 2003 front-end server because the URL specified in the Exchange2003URL property ...
User %1 couldn't be redirected to an Exchange 2003 front-end server because the URL specified in the Exchange2003URL property ...