Clear events from an event log and, optionally, back up cleared events. Usage: wevtutil { cl | clear-log } LOGNAME /OPTION:VALUE ...

Clear events from an event log and, optionally, back up cleared events.  Usage:  wevtutil { cl | clear-log } LOGNAME [/OPTION:VALUE]  LOGNAME Name of log to clear. You can retrieve a list of log names by typing wevtutil el.  Options:  You can use either the short (i.e. /bu) or long (i.e. /backup) version of the option names. Options and their values are case-insensitive.  /bu:VALUE (backup) Backup file for cleared events. If specified, the cleared events will be saved to the backup file. Include the .evtx extension in the backup file name.  Example:   Clear all the events from the Application log after saving them to C:\admin\backups\al0306.evtx.  wevtutil.exe cl Application /bu:C:\admin\backups\al0306.evtx
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