Total messages failed to license is the total number of messages that failed to be server licensed by the Prelicensing Agent.
Total Invalid Fax Calls is the total number of fax call requests to extensions that resolved to mailboxes that are not enabled ...
Total message failed to prelicense is the total number of messages that failed to be prelicensed by the Prelicensing Agent. ...
Total Messages Decrypted During Cross-premise Decryption is the total number of messages decrypted by the decryption agent ...
Total Messages Failed to Decrypt During Cross-premise Decryption is the total number of messages that failed to decrypt by ...
Total messages failed to license is the total number of messages that failed to be server licensed by the Prelicensing Agent. ...
Total Number of Call Answering Rules Calls is the total number of calls that fulfill the conditions of at least one call ...
Total Number of Failed PIN Reset Requests is the total number of failed PIN reset requests since the service was started. ...
Total Number of Failed Play on Phone Requests is the total number of failed Play on Phone requests since the service was ...
Total Number of Timed-out Call Answering Rule Evaluations is the total number of calls for which call answering rules weren't ...