The rule name is not valid. Enter a rule name that has between one and 256 characters. A rule name cannot include spaces, special characters or commas.
The root connector received an exception from the System Center Management Configuration service on StateSyncRequest: %1 ...
The root management service is running but reported limited functionality soon after {0}. The specific reason code is {1} ...
The root management service's heartbeat stopped soon after {0}. This adversely affects all availability calculation for the ...
The rule composition is not valid. {0} DataSource modules specified for this rule, but the ConditionDetection module {1}, ...
The rule name is not valid. Enter a rule name that has between one and 256 characters. A rule name cannot include spaces, ...
The rule starts the workflow when one or more database items (such as incidents or change requests) meet a specific set of ...
The Run As account cannot be deleted because it is associated with a Run As profile. Remove the association before proceeding. ...
The Run As account cannot be validated. This may be because the domain controller is unavailable or the account provided ...
The Runbook "%1" cannot be found in SCSM or its contract has changed. As a result automated activity "%2" cannot complete. ...