[Package - WFR4] - No referenced element (association) may have the same name or alias combined with the set of associated classifiers as any association owned by the package or one of its supertypes.
Owners have full control over the Web site. Create a group of owners. Add users to the group by typing their user names, ...
p1}{k} may contain features that are not compatible with {p2}{k} format. Do you want to save the document in this format? ...
Package - WFR1 - A package may only own or reference packages, subsystems, classifiers, associations, generalizations, dependencies, ...
Package - WFR2 - No referenced element (excluding association) may have the same name or alias as any element owned by the ...
Package - WFR4 - No referenced element (association) may have the same name or alias combined with the set of associated ...
Package - WFR5 - Referenced elements (association) may not have the same name or alias combined with the same set of associated ...
Page "%1!.200s!" contains a throw that is recursive, or that is nested more than %2!d! levels. Including stopped at "%3!.200s!". ...
Page "%1!.200s!" contains an include that is recursive, or that is nested. Aborted processing link information and FrontPage ...
Page %d and Page %d both use the name '%s'. Please rename one of the Web pages, using the Web Properties dialog box, so each ...