General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following // set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information // associated with an assembly.
Fuzzy match performance can be improved if an index is created upon the reference table across all of the specified exact ...
Fuzzy match performance can be improved if the exact join FuzzyComparisonFlags on the input column "%1!s!" are set to match ...
F[ile filespec Loads a package that is saved in the file system as a .dtsx file. The filespec argument specifies the path ...
General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following ' set of attributes. Change these attribute values ...
General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following set of attributes. Change these attribute values ...
General properties This tab displays general object properties. The following properties are available: Created In Database ...
Generate a subject area database, staging area database, and packages that load data from flat files to the staging area ...
Generate a subject area database, staging area database, and packages that load data from the staging area database into ...
GENERATE=1= Set , String Expression , Delimiter ]=Returns a concatenated string created by evaluating a string expression ...