The FILE receive adapter cannot process file %1 because of one of the following reasons: 1) The file is read-only. 2) The file is a system file. 3) The FILE receive adapter does not have write permissions on the file.
The file 2][3 is being held in use{ by the following process: Name: 4], Id: 5], Window Title: '[6]'}. Close that application ...
The file 2][3 is being held in use{ by the following process: Name: 4], ID: 5], Window Title: 6]}. Close that application ...
The FILE adapter cannot disconnect from the network share %1. Please verify other modules do not use this network share. ...
The FILE receive adapter cannot delete file %1. This file processed successfully. Please delete this file from the disk. ...
The FILE receive adapter cannot process file %1 because of one of the following reasons: 1) The file is read-only. 2) The ...
The FILE receive adapter for location "%1" was configured without a FILE mask. Please add the FILE mask to the configuration. ...
The FILE send adapter cannot open file %1 for writing because it is associated with an unsupported device type. For information ...
The file you are attempting to import is not valid. Please check that entity keys are unique and not already registered in ...
The file you are attempting to import is not valid. Please check that the file exists, and that it is a valid UDDI resources ...