Deleting this digital signature will invalidate the other digital signature(s) of the same data entity. Are you sure you want to delete this digital signature?
Default value for secure strings is not supported. If the type of the parameter is SecureString, do not specify a default ...
DEFAULT VALUES - Get the minTime and maxTime of the time dimension SELECT @MinTime = MIN(MinDateTime), @MaxTime = MAX(MaxDateTime) ...
Delete the Application from the collection of applications. All the artifacts contained in this application will be removed ...
Deleting these ports will remove all references to these ports in any associated active/suspended instances. To review instances ...
Deleting this digital signature will invalidate the other digital signature(s) of the same data entity. Are you sure you ...
Deleting this port will remove all references to this port in any associated active/suspended instances. To review instances ...
Deployed artifacts in the Alerts database do not match those deployed in the Primary Import database. Select another Alerts ...
Deployment cannot initialize the connection to the database "{0}" on server "{1}". Verify that you have the required security ...
Deploys all artifacts from the BAM definition XML. The file can be a text file containing the BAM definition XML or a BAM ...