Extends or customizes SCW's Security Configuration Database by registering a Security Configuration Database file that contains ...

Extends or customizes SCW's Security Configuration Database by registering a Security Configuration Database file that contains role, task, service, or port definitions.    Syntax: scwcmd register /kbName:MyApp [/kbfile:kb.xml] [/kb:path] [/d]    /kbname:Myapp Specifies the name under which the Security Configuration     Database extension will be registered. This parameter must     be specified.    /kbfile:kb.xml Specifies the path and filename of the Security Configuration     Database file that will be used to extend or customize     SCW's Security Configuration Database. To validate that the     Security Configuration Database file is compliant with the SCW     schema, use the kbext.xsd schema definition file.    This option must be provided unless the /d parameter    is specified.    /kb:path Specifies the path to the directory that contains the SCW    Security Configuration Database files to be updated. If this     option is not specified, %windir%\security\msscw\kbs is used.    /d  Unregisters a Security Configuration Database extension from     the Security Configuration Database. The extension to     unregister is specified by the /kbname parameter. The Security     Configuration Database to unregister the extension from     is specified by the /kb parameter.    Examples:  scwcmd register /kbfile:d:\SCWKBForMyApp.xml /kbname:MyApp /kb:\\kbserver\kb  scwcmd register /d /kbname:MyApp /kb:\\kbserver\kb
English (United States)