An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' to transition to the primary role. The operation encountered SQL OS error %2!s! and has been terminated. Verify that the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and the availability group are in the correct states for the command, and then retry the command.
An error occurred while trying to instantiate the scripting host for the chosen language. Verify that the selected scripting ...
An error occurred while using the .NET Framework during %1!s!. The server may be running out of resources. Try running the ...
An error occurred while verifying the result set schema against the output table schema. The data collector cannot connect ...
An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica for availability group '%1!s!' to complet post-online ...
An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' to transition to the primary ...
An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!' to transition to the resolving ...
An error occurred while waiting on the log reader history cache event. This error is reported by the internal task scheduling ...
An error occurred while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group '%1!s!'. The operation encountered ...
An error occurred while writing an audit trace. SQL Server is shutting down. Check and correct error conditions such as insufficient ...