WINS could not read the MaxRecsAtATime value (type DWORD) in the Wins\Parameters\ConsistencyCheck subkey of the registry. ...

WINS could not read the MaxRecsAtATime value (type DWORD) in the  Wins\Parameters\ConsistencyCheck subkey of the registry. Set this value   if you do not want WINS to replicate more than a set number of records in   one cycle while doing periodic consistency checks of the WINS database.   When doing a consistency check, WINS replicates all records of an owner WINS   by either going to that WINS or to a replication partner. At the end of doing   a consistency check for an owner's records, it checks to see if it has   replicated more than the specified value in the current consistency check   cycle. If the value has been exceeded, the consistency check stops, otherwise   it continues. In the next cycle, it starts from where it left off and wraps   around to the first owner if required.
English (United States)