Some unexpected errors have happened to software you recently used. You were not asked to send these error reports at the time they occurred.
Some termsets will become homograph siblings after this default language change. Check logs to find out what they are and ...
Some text formatting may have changed in this file because the maximum number of fonts was exceeded. It may help to close ...
Some types of groups or fields in this template are not supported in %1 mode. To save this form template, select a different ...
Some unexpected errors have happened to software you recently used. You chose to send these error reports to %General_Reportee% ...
Some unexpected errors have happened to software you recently used. You were not asked to send these error reports at the ...
Some user data was not updated because synchronization of the Enterprise Resource Pool partially failed on {0} at {1}. To ...
Some user data was not updated because synchronization of the Project Server Groups partially failed on {0} at {1}. To identify ...
Some users cannot automatically be granted permissions to the workspace. To grant permissions, go to the workspace, and then ...
Some users cannot be granted permissions to the workspace because the user quota for the site has been exceeded. You must ...