This file did not upload successfully. Confirm that the file is no larger than {0}KB and is the correct file type, and try again.
This device is not enrolled. Enrolling this device will enable the Company Portal to install apps to the right device. If ...
This device must be reset to original factory settings to configure with the assigned profile. Warning: Device data might ...
This device must have file encryption enabled for all fixed drives, including the operating system drive and all fixed data ...
This domain is configured for single sign-on so you must verify the domain by using the %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES% Module for ...
This file did not upload successfully. Confirm that the file is no larger than {0}KB and is the correct file type, and try ...
This file did not upload successfully. Confirm that the file is no larger than {0}MB and is the correct file type, and try ...
This functionality is not available because the Microsoft Intune Endpoint Protection agent is not enabled on this computer. ...
This information is provided subject to above limitations. Nothing contained in this report is intended to constitute legal, ...
This Microsoft Exchange connection was deleted from the Microsoft Intune console. Remove the Microsoft Intune Exchange Connector ...