The given network name is unusable because there was a failure trying to determine if the network name is valid for use by the clustered SQL instance due to the following error: '{0}'
The generated script file path '%1' has exceeded the length limit of %2!d! characters imposed by the Snapshot agent. Reducing ...
The geometry index n ({0}) passed to STGeometryN is less than 1. The number must be greater than or equal to 1 and should ...
The geometryType argument to InstanceOf ('{0}') is not valid. This argument must contain one of the following types: Geometry, ...
The GetEnumerator method of the ForEach Enumerator has failed with error 1!8.8X! "%2!s!". This occurs when the ForEach Enumerator ...
The given network name is unusable because there was a failure trying to determine if the network name is valid for use by ...
The given XML instance is not valid because its top-level tag was {0}. The top-level element of the input Geographic Markup ...
The Goal Seek tool provides useful recommendations when you know the desired value for a column of the current row (the Target ...
The granularity attribute and intermediate granularity attribute should have same number of key columns (the granularity ...
The granularity attribute has key column #{0} with data type '{1}' different than '{2}' from intermediate granularity attribute. ...