The application was shut down by application request. The application %1 was shut down due to a request from the application. Cause: Application specific. Resolution: See previous event log messages.
The application threw an exception when handling a settings event. The application %1 was stopped because it threw the following ...
The application threw an exception while draining. The application %1 threw the following exception when draining:%2. Cause: ...
The application threw an exception while starting. The application %1 threw the following exception when starting: %2. Cause: ...
The application threw an exception while stopping. The application %1 threw the following exception when stopping: %2. Cause: ...
The application was shut down by application request. The application %1 was shut down due to a request from the application. ...
The application was unable to contact management store. The application %1 was unable to contact the management store. The ...
The application was unable to read a setting. The application %1 could not read a setting from the class %2 due to the following ...
The archiving and monitoring settings for this Survivable Branch Appliance have been updated to match the newly associated ...
The Archiving Server is unable to read message from MSMQ queue in a timely fashion. Message queue path: '%1' Cause: This ...