Could not connect to search application '{1}' on server {0}. This error might occur if the Application Server Timer Job does not exist. Confirm that the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Timer service and Central Administration service are running on the affected server. If the problem persists, view the event logs on the affected server for more information.
Could not complete this action due to an invalid site or feature definition. Please examine the server logs or contact your ...
Could not connect to Project Server. This could be because there is no Project Server specified for this site. Contact your ...
Could not connect to search application '{1}' on server {0}. This error can occur if the Application Server Administration ...
Could not connect to search application '{1}' on server {0}. This error might occur if the Application Server Administration ...
Could not connect to search application '{1}' on server {0}. This error might occur if the Application Server Timer Job does ...
Could not connect to search application '{1}' on server {0}. This error might occur if the Application Server Timer Job is ...
Could not connect to server {0} for application '{1}'. This error might occur if the server is not responding to client requests, ...
Could not connect to server {0}. This error might occur if the firewall or proxy configuration is preventing the server from ...
Could not connect to the requested LOB system and so unable to create the requested Business Data Collaboration Workspace. ...