One or more classes from the following Component Object Model (COM) DLL are not registered. COM DLL: %1 The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport depends on this DLL. User Action Verify that this DLL is present and registered. Register this DLL manually using following commands: regsrv32 /u %1 regsrv32 %1 If this event continues to occur, you might have an obsolete version of this DLL. Verify the version using the following command: filever %windir%\system32\%1 Restart the Intersite Messaging service. Additional Data Error value: %3 %2
One or more .xml files in the backup directory are missing or are corrupted. As a result, Windows System Resource Manager ...
One or more Active Desktop items cannot be displayed because your Internet connection settings have not been configured. ...
One or more applications were not found on the target server. It is recommended to edit these applications and add the correct ...
One or more authentication methods were attempted. There are no more authentication methods left to try with your IMAP server. ...
One or more classes from the following Component Object Model (COM) DLL are not registered. COM DLL: %1 The Intersite Messaging ...
One or more cluster resources depend on the network to provide service to clients. The client access capability cannot be ...
One or more computers have illegal DNS name. Using non-standard name might affect your ability to interoperate with other ...
One or more directory service entries could not be properly retrieved. These entries were not added to your address book. ...
One or more entries in your MS-DOS configuration files (Autoexec.bat and Config.sys) are incompatible with Windows XP. These ...