Automatic Configuration (auto-config) allows you to make updates to your user's machine after deployment. You can specify an URL to a .INS file or an auto-proxy URL, or both.
Automatic certificate enrollment for %1 failed to renew one %2 certificate from certificate authority %3 on %4 (%5). %6 Another ...
Automatic certificate enrollment for %1 failed to update the %2 certificate in the Personal certificate store due to one ...
Automatic certificate enrollment for %1 successfully installed one %2 certificate when retrieving pending requests. User ...
Automatic certificate enrollment for %1 was denied by %2 when retrieving pending request for one %3 certificate (%4). %5 ...
Automatic Configuration (auto-config) allows you to make updates to your user's machine after deployment. You can specify ...
Automatic configuration for library %1 failed to configure %2. The driver for the device in this bay is not properly loaded. ...
Automatic configuration may override manual settings. To ensure the use of manual settings, disable automatic configuration. ...
Automatic configuration might override your manual configuration. If you enter any proxy settings, clear the check box labeled ...
Automatic dial-up usually requires a user name and password. Please enter this information in the Internet Control Panel. ...