A domain cross-ref has no SID in it's nCName attribute. Cross-ref DN: %2 nCName attribute (Partition name): %1 The SID has not replicated into this DC. Check that replication is succeeding between the first DC in the Domain who's SID is missing and this DC. If the Domain was created with a Windows 2000 DC and all member DCs of the domain are unable to replicate outbound because of Schema Mismatch errors, then all member DCs will need to have Window's re-installed and the Domain will need to be manually removed using meta data cleanup in ntdsutil.exe. If the Domain was created with a Windows 2000 DC, then replication can be blocked from one DC to another with "Replication Access Denied". If replication isn't succeeding between the first DC in the Domain who's SID is missing and this DC due to a different domain cross-ref missing a domain SID in it's nCName somewhere else in the forest, then you may need to manually reconfigure the topology to bypass the blocking replication.
A Distributed File System (DFS) folder with folder targets was created that contains other DFS folders. This can occur if ...
A Distributed File System (DFS) folder with folder targets was created that contains other DFS folders. This can occur if ...
A domain controller could not be contacted for the domain %1 that contained an account for this computer. Make the computer ...
A domain controller which meets the version requirement for this operation could not be located. Please ensure that a domain ...
A domain cross-ref has no SID in it's nCName attribute. Cross-ref DN: %2 nCName attribute (Partition name): %1 The SID has ...
A DosDevIoctl or DosFsCtl to NETWKSTA.SYS failed. The data shown is in this format: DWORD approx CS:IP of call to ioctl or ...
A driver for the specified printer is not installed. You do not have access to install the driver. Only spooler properties ...
A driver is installed that causes stability problems with your system. This driver will be disabled. Please contact the driver ...
A duplicate extension entry exists in the registry. The duplicate extension should be deleted, but all other extensions are ...