The number of OWA light requests encountering Http error code greater than or equal to 400 is %1 that sustained over %2 minutes. At least %3 customers encountered %4 or more errors during 60 minutes period. History of requests encountering errors in the last hour is: %5.
The number of grammar files (%1) has exceeded the maximum number of grammar files supported (150). Grammar generation will ...
The number of high latency OWA logons requests is %1, which is greater than %2 percent of total logons in the last hour. ...
The number of log files waiting to be received by this passive copy. This number doesn't include any log files that have ...
The number of messages processed by server {2} for local or remote delivery is less than 75% of the messages it receives. ...
The number of OWA light requests encountering Http error code greater than or equal to 400 is %1 that sustained over %2 minutes. ...
The number of OWA requests encountering 'TooManyObjectsOpenedException' exception is %1, which exceeds configured acceptable ...
The number of parameters provided doesn't match the number of parameters required by the target. This could be due to incorrect ...
The number of public folder connection agreements is less than the number of configuration connection agreements. Check that ...
The number of requests for app pool %1 encountering Http error code greater than or equal to 400 is %2, which is greater ...