Multiple Menu items were found for Task link '%1' so the Task could not be imported. The Menu item can be removed from the task, the task imported and then define the Menu item within Financial period close configuration.
Multiple data updates have been encountered. Please make sure all updates for the current action belong to the same entity. ...
Multiple date effective records exist within this date range. Adjust existing records or modify 'Valid from' and 'Valid to' ...
Multiple instances of Outlook are running. To exit any extra instances of Outlook, right-click the taskbar, and then select ...
Multiple journal lines are using the same credit note with partly payment. Journal number %1, Voucher %2 has therefore not ...
Multiple Menu items were found for Task link '%1' so the Task could not be imported. The Menu item can be removed from the ...
Multiple published extensions match the provided arguments. You must specify more information to indicate which extension ...
Multiple published extensions match the provided arguments. You must specify which extension publisher or version to use. ...
Multiple published extensions match the specified parameter values. You must specify more information to indicate which extension ...
Multiple purchase orders have been selected for the same vendor and currency. Do you want to consolidate these purchase orders ...