The Windows Azure SDKs enable you to build .NET, Node.js, Java, or PHP applications that take advantage of the highly-scalable computing resources in Windows Azure.
The Windows Azure Media Services SDK lets you create an extensible cloud-based media platform so that you can build solutions ...
The Windows Azure Platform is an internet-scale cloud computing services platform hosted in Microsoft data centers. The Windows ...
The Windows Azure Platform Management Portal needs to increase your Isolated Storage quota. Please click the button below ...
The Windows Azure SDK enables you to build applications that take advantage of the scalable cloud computing resources and ...
The Windows Azure SDKs enable you to build .NET, Node.js, Java, or PHP applications that take advantage of the highly-scalable ...
The Windows Azure Services is not enabled on one or more of the SQL servers of the databases you have included in this backup. ...
The Xamarin tools include the Xamrin extensions for Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio, a standalone IDE for developing cross ...
The zip file should contain your executable file (.exe .cmd .bat .sh .php .py .js) and any supporting files needed to run ...
The {0} access key for Cache '{1}' could not be regenerated - {2}. Please try again later or contact support if the problem ...