The contents of "%1" have not been downloaded or have not finished downloading. For more information, see "Managing Documents in a Documents tool" in online help.
The content type name cannot contain: \ / : ? " # % < > { } |, two consecutive periods (.), or special characters such as ...
The content was not likely to be modified during the adaptive update, so the gatherer is not going to check the document ...
The ContentLink property of the Page Viewer Web Part is currently empty. Please set the property to see a preview for this ...
The contents of "%1" have not been downloaded or have not finished downloading. Do you want to open the file directly from ...
The contents of "%1" have not been downloaded or have not finished downloading. For more information, see "Managing Documents ...
The contents of the Clipboard have been deleted and can't be pasted.@Some applications do not put large objects on the Clipboard. ...
The contents of this file were changed after the file was digitally signed, or the file has become corrupt. Contact the person ...
The contents of this public folder are currently unavailable. Either Microsoft Exchange is down or the public folder has ...
The context of the call was not determinable. This may be caused by the web application not having an associated site collection. ...