Data type mapping from '%1!s!' to '%2!s!' does not exist. Review source and destination data type, length, precision, scale, and nullability. Query the system table msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings for a list of supported mappings.
Data to be used for the Associate task of the Data Mining Client or the Shopping Basket Table Analysis Tool. You can build ...
Data to be used for the Associate task of the Data Mining Client. You can build models to predict associations between categories ...
Data Transformation Services (DTS) properties cannot be set because the publication does not allow transformable subscriptions ...
Data truncated when converting range values to the partition function parameter type. The range value at ordinal %1!s! requires ...
Data type mapping from '%1!s!' to '%2!s!' does not exist. Review source and destination data type, length, precision, scale, ...
data type, it cannot be migrated using Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle, use Oracle Provider for OLE DB to migrate such ...
Data validation failed for one or more articles. When troubleshooting, check the output log files for any errors that may ...
Data-driven subscriptions cannot be created because the credentials used to run the report are not stored, the report is ...
Database %1!s! is enabled for Database Mirroring, but has not yet synchronized with its partner. Try the operation again ...