Object containing the following fields is returned: EncryptionType Ikev2Ports IdleDisconnect(s) L2tpPorts SADataSizeForRenegotiation(KB) SALifeTime(s)
Object consisting of following fields is returned: BytesTransmitted BytesReceived FramesTransmitted FramesReceived CrcErrors ...
Object consists of the following properties 1. Status of DirectAccess - installed or uninstalled 2. Status of VPN - installed ...
Object consists of the following properties 1. Status of DirectAccess - installed or uninstalled 2. Status of VPN - installed ...
Object consists of the following properties 1. Status of DirectAccess and VPN configuration 2. The entire VPN configuration ...
Object containing the following fields is returned: EncryptionType Ikev2Ports IdleDisconnect(s) L2tpPorts SADataSizeForRenegotiation(KB) ...
Object containing the following fields is returned: Name Destination AdminStatus ConnectionState IPv4Subnet IPv6Subnet Protocol ...
Object containing the following fields: UserAuthProtocolAccepted TunnelAuthProtocolsAdvertised RootCertificateNameToAccept ...
Object containing the following fields: UserAuthProtocolAccepted TunnelAuthProtocolsAdvertised RootCertificateNameToAccept ...
Object contains following fields DistinguishedName IsAutoCreated IsDsIntegrated IsPaused IsReadOnly IsReverseLookupZone IsShutdown ...