ALTER INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be reorganized. Reorganization of a columnstore index is not necessary.
ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation has been aborted. The %1!s! federation was dropped while the split was still in progress. ...
ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because specifying %1!s! is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild ...
ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because specifying DATA_COMPRESSION is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. ...
ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement failed because the %1!s! option is not allowed when rebuilding a columnstore index. Rebuild ...
ALTER INDEX statement failed because a columnstore index cannot be reorganized. Reorganization of a columnstore index is ...
Alter partition function statement failed. Cannot repartition table '%1!s!' by altering partition function '%2!s!' because ...
Alter schema collection cannot be performed because the current schema has a lax wildcard or an element of type xs:anyType. ...
ALTER SCHEMA COLLECTION failed. It cannot be performed on a schema collection that allows laxly validated content and is ...
ALTER SCHEMA COLLECTION failed. Revalidation of XML columns in table '%1!s!' did not succeed due to the following reason: ...