A manifest determines specific settings for an application. To embed a custom manifest, first add it to your project and then select it from the list below.
A local instance of SQL Server was found on {0}, but it is {1} which is not supported with TFS 2010. Please review the following ...
A local variable named '%1!ls!' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to '%1!ls!', which ...
A local Web server is necessary to properly preview and run files. Files will be previewed and run from the local cache. ...
A macro called a debugger action which is not allowed while responding to an event or while being run because a breakpoint ...
A manifest determines specific settings for an application. To embed a custom manifest, first add it to your project and ...
A master page and its content pages must reside on the same server. Make sure that the current page and the master page that ...
A member of the db_owner role must use the Visual Studio database diagramming functionality in order to set up the required ...
A method has security set at both the type and method levels. This might not have the intended effect. Security actions on ...
A Microsoft .NET Framework component, diasymreader.dll, is not correctly installed. Please repair your Microsoft .NET Framework ...