Type of queue that is automatically assigned when a user or queue is created. The type can be public, private, or work in process.
Type additional information to describe the phone call, such as the primary message or the products and services discussed. ...
Type determines if the dimension is to be used for retrieving the final per unit price or to retrieve a markup that is to ...
Type in a meaningful name for each outcome, as these will be displayed to users. Create translations of these names if required. ...
Type of accounting evidence (eg. Texture, PK, statement, bank statement, cash report, interim report from the cash register, ...
Type of queue that is automatically assigned when a user or queue is created. The type can be public, private, or work in ...
Type of transportation document for transfer order according to Rules of cargo transportation by means of motor transport. ...
Type the column name that will be used to group the results from the data collected across multiple records from a system ...
Type the column name that will be used to group the results from the data collected across multiple records from a user view. ...
Type the contact's first name to make sure the contact is addressed correctly in sales calls, email, and marketing campaigns. ...